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Friday, October 10, 2008

what's at the centre?


whew! what a very busy week for me. a very exhausting week! this is an old photo that i took way back on our trip to yogyakarta (pronounced as jogjakarta). it was in a buddhist temple. lotus was quite far from me, about half a meter i guess so i had to use zoom for this shot. and did some cropping as well. i am not sure if the insects are bees or wasps. they are about a centimetre long. the more prominent one is in flight, i had never notice that before. i haven't made any sky shots for this week, i'll try to post one tomorrow.


  1. Hello Syel !

    Very beautiful photo, with nice colours...
    It seems ants... No ???
    Have a good W.E.

    SEe You later...

  2. Ants! ? GReat colors in the center...very vibrant!

  3. webradio, i'm not really sure if those were ants. but it seems like they are.

  4. giz, ndi ko talaga sure. pero muka nga yatang ants. hehehe!


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